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Certified, Professional Dog Training and Care for Discriminating Owners |
Tracy Atkins
Complete Canine Training
P.O. Box 131652 The Woodlands, TX 77393
To Bed" OR "Carpet"
Atkins, Complete Canine Training
(CCT Students: This is the sequence for teaching "carpet")
1) Put a dog bed on the floor in an area you would like the dog to go to for
"quiet time". Begin in an area with no distractions. It may also
be helpful to remove all of the dogs' toys from the "training area."
2) Get your
dogs attention by playfully encouraging him to the bed. You may lure him with
a toy or treat or simply point to the bed if he's familiar with it. Have him
sit or lay down on the bed. Say "Yes Go to Bed!" and give a reward. He may
get up immediately or he may choose to stay on the bed. Either is acceptable!
NOTE: "YES" is used to indicate to the dog that he is ALL DONE doing what
you wanted. It is important to say "YES" before you give the treat/reward.
3) Standing within three feet of the bed, playfully call him away from the bed and then back to it, following step two again. (Be sure to say Yes and reward while he is on the bed) Repeat step two about twenty to thirty times. (This should take less than two minutes.)
4) If the
dog is on the bed, encourage him off it. Step about two feet away from the
bed, let the dog sniff the treat. Quickly put the treat behind your back and
wait. If the dog goes to the bed, say "Yes Go to Bed" and give a reward and
skip to step five. If not, you can give him a hint by tossing the treat onto
the bed and just before he gets to the treat say "Yes, Go to Bed!" Then repeat
the beginning of step four again.
NOTE: If teaching "carpet" when the dog gets to the bed, give the
hand signal for lay down and wait for the dog to be laying before saying "Yes,
Go to Bed!"
5) Repeat step four about twenty to thirty times. (This should take less than two minutes.) This step is to assure dog the quicker he gets on the bed and sits (or lays down for "carpet") the quicker he will be rewarded.
6) Next,
move further away from the bed and say "Go to Bed!" If the dog goes to it
say "Yes go to bed and give multiple rewards.
NOTE: Multiple rewards are called "jackpots". They are used OCCASIONALLY (one
time every ten to twenty repetitions) to reinforce desired behavior
7) Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 until the dog will Go to Bed and get into position when you ask. Remember to say "yes" and give a reward when the dog Goes to Bed.
STOP: Even though you may be able to complete steps one through seven in one training session DO NOT progress to the next stages until your dog has had a period of rest. This training works most effectively if training sessions are kept to less than 15 minutes each session. Some dogs will progress faster with even shorter sessions.
To train
for doorway behavior add:
- If your dog will go to the "carpet" location and sit or down,
then begin stage 2.
Stage 2: While inside, knock on the door, ask for "carpet" wait for the behavior, "Yes" and reward.
Stage 3: While inside,
knock on the door, ask for "carpet" wait for the behavior, open
the door slightly (Some dogs will require practice of simply jiggling the
door handle several repetitions before the door can be opened. You will know
you need to add this step if you try to open the door and the dog gets up.)
If the dog remains on the carpet, say "Yes" and reward.
Progress to stage 4 only when: you can have the door open, say "hello"
(even though no one is there) and the dog remains on the carpet until released
"Yes" and rewarded.
Stage 4: For this step
an assistant is required.
Have the assistant stand outside and knock on the door as though s/he were
going to visit. Allow the dog to bark or jump for a moment at the door, then,
ask the dog to "carpet". It is important you be in the same physical
location as you practiced in stage 3 when you ask "carpet". Because
of the excitement of the door knock, some dogs will have to be gently reminded
and "teased" with the reward to remember going to the carpet is
exciting too! Once the dog gets there and into position (sit or down) say
"Yes" and reward with a jackpot (for example: ten treats)
Once the dog can quickly complete going to the carpet when the door is knocked,
ring the bell instead and follow stage 4.
NOTES: If the dog does not go to the carpet on his own, lead him there use
a hand signal for him to get into position (sit or down) then say "Yes"
and reward.
For a dog who has difficulty going to the carpet immediately, go back to stage
3 until he is able to go to the carpet quickly, then progress to stage 4.
Stage 5: The assistant
is still needed.
The doorbell is rung, you command "carpet" once the dog gets there,
in position (sit or down) and remains there, you may open the door with the
assistant on the outside.
Instructions for the assistant: If the dog gets up from position, the assistant
is to quickly get outside and close the door while the owner/handler gets
the dog back to the carpet and into position.
The assistant is then invited inside and will keep his/her focus on the
human, and NOT look at or talk to the dog. If the dog remains long enough
for the assistant to enter the house, say "Yes" and reward with
a jackpot (10-15 treat pieces) also thoroughly praise and play with the dog
and allow him to greet the assistant.
If the dog gets up at any time, the door is closed quickly and no release/reward are given. If the dog remains, a jackpot reward is given.
TIPS: Go slow. Take baby steps. Say "YES" and reward for any behavior that looks like what you want. In a quiet voice, say "Oops" to mean "you're not quite right, but keep trying".
Tracy Atkins at Complete Canine Training www.YESPUP.com 281-825-6404
Permission to distribute is granted only if copyright and contact information
Tracy Atkins, Complete Canine Training
1) Start with
the dog lying down.
2) Touch a food treat to the dogs nose and get him to nibble it. Move the
treat slowly from his nose to his elbow. Keep your hand low to the ground.
Repeat several times until the dog will follow the treat smoothly.
3) Once you have the treat at the dog's elbow, move it slowly up along the
dog's upper arm towards his shoulder. The dog should crank his head around
to get the treat. At the same time, look for the dog's hips to roll to the
side. Say "YES" and give the treat for any movement of the hips.
Say "wrong" if the dog gets up or tries to turn his head the other
way to get the treat.
4) Try to move the treat past the dog's shoulders to continue the roll. Say"YES"
and reward if the dog goes half way.
5) Once you can get the dog all the way over, try to get about 10-15 rolls,
in rapid succession. Get the dog comfortable with the behavior of following
the treat.
6) Once the behavior is happening smoothly, start "teasing" (showing
the dog the food, then pulling the food away). If the dog makes any movement
to start the behavior, say "YES" and give the treat
7) Continue to alternate between teasing and leading the dog through the behavior
until he will perform the entire behavior on his own. Saying "YES"
and rewarding for all good behavior.
8) When the behavior is happening consistently, add the words "Roll over"
just as the behavior is about to happen.
Then say "YES" and reward for good behavior and "wrong"
if the dog needs to "try again!"
Tips: Go slow.
Take baby steps. Say "YES" and reward for any behavior that looks
like what you want. Wrong doesn't mean "NO." Wrong means "you're
not quite right, but keep trying!"
Tracy Atkins at Complete Canine Training www.YESPUP.com 281-825-6404
Permission to distribute is granted only if copyright and contact information
Atkins, Complete Canine Training
1) Begin in an area with no distractions. It may also be helpful to remove
all of the dogs’ toys from the “training area.”
Start with your dog in the sit position. Hold your dogs favorite treat, or
toy in your right hand. Let the dog sniff at the treat. If the dog paws your
hand, say “YES, WAVE” and release the treat.
is used to indicate to the dog that he is ALL DONE doing what you wanted.
It is important to say “YES” before you say “good dog” and give the treat.
With your dog in the sit position, repeat step two about twenty to thirty
times. (This should take less than two minutes.)
When the dog readily paws your hand, stand up and place your hand about knee
high and say “WAVE” If your dog touches your hand, say “YES, WAVE” and release
the treat.
Repeat step five about twenty to thirty times. (This should take less than
two minutes.)
Next, let the dog sniff the treat, but do not give it. Stand up straight and
say “Wave.” If the dog raises his paw say “YES, WAVE” and give several treats.
rewards are called “jackpots”. They are used OCCASIONALLY to reinforce desired
Repeat steps 4, 5 and 5 until the dog will raise his paw each time you say
“Wave.” Remember to say “yes” and give a reward each time the dog raises his
slow. Take baby steps. Say "YES" and reward for any behavior that
looks like what you want. In a quiet voice, say “wrong” to mean "you're
not quite right, but keep trying, and you might get the reward.
Permission to distribute is granted only if copyright and contact information
Atkins, Complete Canine Training
1) Begin in an area with no distractions. It may also be helpful to remove
all of the dog’s toys from the "training area."
2) Start with your dog in the sit position. Using your dogs favorite treat, or toy, slowly and gently, lure him with the treat until his front paws lift off the floor. (If he starts to jump, keep your hand lower to the ground.) Say "YES, Beg" and give the reward.
NOTE: "YES" is used to indicate to the dog that he is ALL DONE doing what you wanted. In this way, you can still say "good dog" to tell the dog he is DOING a good job.
3) Quickly repeat step 2 about twenty to thirty times. (This should take approximately two minutes.)
4) After about the thirtieth repetition, while the dog is in the sit up position, quickly move your hand behind your back, say "Yes Beg" and give a reward. Repeat this step about twenty to thirty times.
5) Next, show the dog the treat but do not give the treat and say "Sit up and Beg", If the dog begins to sit up and beg, say "YES, keys!" and reward with one or several treats. (Multiple rewards are called "jackpots". They are used OCCASIONALLY to reinforce desired behavior.)
NOTE: In step 5, by showing the treat, but not giving it, you are reminding the dog "Do you remember what you did the last time to get this?"
7) Repeat steps 4 & 5 until the dog will sit up and beg each time you say "sit up and beg." Remember to say "yes" and give a reward.
TIPS: Go slow. Take baby steps. Say "YES"
and reward for any behavior that looks like what you want. Use "wrong"
to mean "you're not quite right, but keep trying!
Tracy Atkins at Complete Canine Training www.YESPUP.com 281-825-6404
Permission to distribute is granted only if copyright and contact information
Atkins, Complete Canine Training
1) Begin in an area with no distractions. It may also be helpful to remove
all of the dogs toys from the "training area."
2) Place the item to be found, in this case your keys, on the ground.
3) Place a food treat on the keys. Just before the dog gets the treat, say
"YES, Keys"
NOTE: "YES" is used to indicate to the dog that s/he is ALL DONE
doing what you wanted. In this way, you can still say "good dog"
to tell the dog s/he is DOING a good job.
4) Repeat step 3 about twenty to thirty times. It is helpful to move the keys
a few inches about every 5th repetition.
NOTE: If your dog is well trained, ask it to sit & stay while you are
placing the treat on the keys.
5) Next, show the dog the treat but do not give the treat and say "find
6) If the dog touches the keys, say "YES, keys!" and reward with
or or several treats. (Multiple rewards are called "jackpots". They
are used OCCASIONALLY to reinforce desired behavior.)
7) Repeat steps 5 & 6 until the dog will touch the keys each time you
say "find keys."
8) To encourage them to find the keys, move the keys about every 5th
to 10th repetition.
9) Most dogs will learn to love the keys so much they will naturally pick
them up and bring them to you! When they do, say "YES, keys" and
Go slow. Take
baby steps. Say "YES" and reward for any behavior that looks like
what you want. Use "wrong" to mean "you're not quite right,
but keep trying!"
Tracy Atkins at Complete Canine Training www.YESPUP.com 281-825-6404
Permission to distribute is granted only if copyright and contact information